
Adjustment of extra-urban transport tariffs from 1 July 2024

Customers are informed that from 1 July 2024 the rates for all tickets and passes for extra-urban car services provided by Cavourese S.p.A. as well as those for subscriptions relating to the services of the "Formula" integrated system of which Cavourese S.p.A. owns. part will change the amounts.

The tariff adjustment is a consequence of the automatic update to the ex programmed inflation. D.G.R. 13‐6608 of 04/11/2013 (approved with Resolution no. 5/2024 of 26/01/2024 by the Board of Directors of the Piedmont Mobility Agency - AMP).

For information you can contact our offices by telephone on 011.397.00.00 or send an email to info@cavourese.it or go to one of our 3 operational offices at:

  • Cavour – V. Antica di Pinerolo 63
  • Giaveno – V. Coazze 23
  • Chieri – V. Conte Rossi di Montelera 20

Extra-urban rates for tickets and season tickets outside the Formula area ==> Click here

Formula Rates ==> Click here

All detailed information and updated fare tables can be found on the website https://cavourese.it/it/tpl/biglietti-e-abbonamenti.


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