TPL timetables and lines

Timetables and routes of the TPL lines managed by Cavourese

LINES 125, 179, 184, 185 - Slowdowns due to heavy trafficCausa sospensione della circolazione in Strada Buttigliera in Chieri nel tratto compreso tra Matteotti e Via Montessori che interessa le linee in titolo dal 24/02/2025 al 21/03/2025 si prevedono ritardi ed impatti sulla regolarità dell'esercizio.

Local public transport timetables divided by zones

This section is dedicated to the publication of all the timetables of the TPL lines managed by Cavurese S.p.A.. The timetables, divided according to the various periods of the year, can be consulted and easily downloaded in a pdf format for simple consultation and to be able to read them anywhere using a smartphone, a tablet or a PC.

The extension of the Cavourese network over a large territory in the entire province of Turin and Cuneo entails the presence of various facilities with customer assistance points. The kind and qualified staff is available to support customers, respond to all needs and resolve the main problems.

It is always possible to go to the counters to get information on the characteristics of the lines, to request the best travel solution or to clarify doubts. All staff are authorized and trained to answer telephone calls. The offices are open all day but it is advisable to show up or call in the late morning or early afternoon.

Below is a description, addresses and telephone numbers:

  • Cavour offices - Via Antica di Pinerolo n. 63 - Tel. 011 3970000 - Extensions 208 or 210
  • Giaveno offices - Via Coazze n. 23 - Tel. 011 3970000 - Extensions 401 or 402
  • Chieri Offices - Via Conte Rossi di Montelera 20 - Tel 011 3970000 - Extensions 701 or 702

All offices are authorized to carry out ticketing operations.

To find out the opening hours, consult the ticket office section or the contact section.

The offices are closed on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays.

For doubts, questions and queries you can always write to the email address

Information on how to use and read timetables

The structure of the timetable is designed to allow customers to understand at various times of the year if and which trips are active.

The exercise periods are divided into 3 large periods:

  • School period

this is the period that goes from the start date to the end date of school (the dates are made official by the regional school office). Normally in this period the greatest number of trips are managed to guarantee transport necessary only to reach the schools.

  • Non-school period

Non-school period means any period in which schools are closed. These periods include Christmas holidays, Easter holidays, summer holidays and any long weekends defined by the Regional School Office. It is specified that the school calendar is defined by the Piedmont Region and published, at the start of each school year, at the following link. To organize the service, transport companies can scrupulously adhere only to this calendar. It is specified that, in cases where, within the scope of the scholastic autonomy with which they are endowed, some schools decide to hold lessons in periods that have been defined as non-scholastic by the regional calendar, Cavourese S.p.A. is required, unless explicitly authorized by the Piedmont Mobility Agency - the body that contributes to the services provided, to apply the non-scholastic calendar. The simple communication by the institutes, however motivated or foreseen, does not constitute the right to obtain the activation of "scholastic" services.

  • August period

In the month of August the scheduled service is reduced to minimum levels. By convention, the August period consists of four (4) full weeks which, however, can only be defined from year to year based on the calendar.

For the year 2024 it is specified that:

  • The school period for the year 2023/2024 ended on Saturday 8 June 2024
  • The school period for the 2024/2024 year will begin on Wednesday 11 September 2024
  • The period between Sunday 9 June and Sunday 4 August 2024 as well as the period between Monday 2 September 2024 and Tuesday 10 September 2024 will be defined as non-scholastic
  • The August period will be between Monday 5 August and Sunday 1 September 2024

Within the various periods the service can be further divided into:

  • service valid from Monday to Friday
  • service valid on Saturdays
  • Service valid on Sundays and holidays

It may happen that the services in various periods may be identical.


Line 213 | Shuttle Pinerolo - Piscina FS - Bioparco ZOOM - Cumiana
Linea 220 - Servizio di navetta speciale per Tuttomele 2024
Line 220 - Line branch Piossasco (Marchile/Stabilimento Hitachi Rails) - P.zza Caio Mario - Torino P.zza Rebaudengo
Line 294 | Lusernetta - Luserna S. Giovanni - Torre Pellice
Line 296 | Torre Pellice - Luserna S. Giovanni - Pinerolo
Line 298 | Barge - Bagnolo P.te - Pinerolo
Line 901 | Torino - Pinerolo - Torre Pellice

Servizio svolto in pool con Arriva Italia s.r.l.

Val Sangone (Sangone Valley)

Linea 253 | Servizio navetta Stagionale: Avigliana - Sacra di San Michele

Attivo dal 1° aprile al 30 ottobre nei giorni di sabato, domenica e festivi.

l servizio di navetta dalla Stazione Avigliana FS alla Sacra di S. Michele è di tipo stagionale. Viene attivato tutti gli anni a partire dal primo sabato di aprile e viene riproposto tutti i sabati, domeniche e festivi fino al 30 settembre. Viene svolto con autobus di linea extraurbani e costituisce servizio TPL. L'ammissione a bordo è consentita previo acquisto di titolo di viaggio valido. I biglietti possono essere acquistati direttamente a bordo. Il costo del biglietto di corsa singola (andata o ritorno) è di 1,80 € dalla Stazione di Avigliana FS fino ai laghi e di 2,50 € dalla Stazione di Avigliana FS alla Sacra di S. Michele.

Dal 2021 è attivo un accordo con Trenitalia grazie al quale è possibile oltre all'acquisto di biglietti per la Sacra di S. Michele presso la biglietteria di Avigliana anche in forma combinata ad altre relazioni ferroviarie. E' sufficiente al momento dell'acquisto richiederlo sia on-line sul sito o presso la biglietteria Trenitalia.

Le navette per e dalla Sacra di San Michele hanno orario sincronizzati con i servizi ferroviari attestati alla Stazione FS di Avigliana




Line 353 | Caselette - Alpignano - Avigliana
Line 386 | Diramazione Piossasco - Orbassano - Giaveno Ist. Maria Ausiliatrice

Servizio urbano di Pinerolo (Pinerolo urban service)

Line 705 | Osasco - S. Secondo - Ospedali - Pinerolo FS - P.le Avis - Industrial area "Porporata" - Ipercoop
Line 707 | Pinerolo (Abbadia) - Pinerolo (Costagrande)
Line 709 | Mercatale B shuttle

Servizio urbano di Giaveno (Giaveno urban service)

Line 802 | Giaveno - Provonda
Lines 801 / 803 | Giaveno - Maddalena - Chiarmetta
LINES 125, 179, 184, 185 - Slowdowns due to heavy trafficCausa sospensione della circolazione in Strada Buttigliera in Chieri nel tratto compreso tra Matteotti e Via Montessori che interessa le linee in titolo dal 24/02/2025 al 21/03/2025 si prevedono ritardi ed impatti sulla regolarità dell'esercizio.


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